Tuesday 11 May 2010

~•{ Using mobile phones while driving }•~

Nowadays, the mobile phone is something important in our life and it is used all over the world. Some people are talking on their mobile phone while they are driving.

Using a mobile phone while driving is a dangerous thing; you should have one in your car for the emergency cases. For example, it is dangerous to drive alone at night so you should have a mobile to summon help from police in an emergency. Also if you are driving a long way to remote areas where there are no lights in the roads or a desert for example you may need help if your car breaks down.

Even though I said the above things, there is no real reason for using a mobile phone while you are driving because of course you will find a safe place to stop and answer your phone. Some drivers think that using hands-free is less distraction. In fact, using hands-free does not reduce the level of distraction because driving requires a lot of concentration. Most countries have banned using a mobile phone while driving and they give those fines because it has become a major problem worldwide. In the UAE, it is not allowed to use a mobile phone while you are driving in all cases.

In conclusion, a lot of research shows that using a mobile phone while driving is a cause of accidents. However, it is very important to have a mobile phone in your car but it is not necessary to use it except in emergency cases.

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Tuesday 4 May 2010

~•{ A woman's role }•~

Is a woman’s proper role in society to pursue a career or to be a mother and wife?

Traditionally a woman’s role has been as a mother and wife. However, more and more women worldwide are being educated to a high level and are pursuing careers. Does this pose a threat to the upbringing of young children and to social stability?

There are many reasons why a woman should be at home to look after her children. Children need their mother’s love and attention. A mother substitute, like a maid, however caring, cannot provide the same emotional support that a child needs. In addition, a maid may not speak the child’s language and there may well be cultural differences. A mother plays a crucial role in developing her child’s language and cultural awareness. Even worse, if there is no mother and no maid at home, children will feel neglected.

On the other hand, women have an important role to play in society. If intelligent women want to pursue careers, why should they not have the same opportunity to do so as men? Women have a lot to offer to society, which would be poorer if they couldn’t do so. In the West, it is generally accepted that women have the choice of whether to pursue a career or not. Of course there are more traditional societies where this is more difficult.

In an ideal world, a woman should be able to pursue a career and also have time to bring up a family, but it’s not an easy task to get the balance right.

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